Mobile Tartu New Data for Simulating the Impact of Social Networks on Travel Maria del Mar Alonso- Almeida

August 31, 2017 | Author: Bruno Flowers | Category: N/A
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1 29 June -1 July Wednesday, Venue: Järveveere holiday centre, 55 km West from Tartu, Transport to Järveveere...


Mobile Tartu 2016 29 June -1 July 2016 Wednesday, 29.06.2016 Venue: Järveveere holiday centre, 55 km West from Tartu, Transport to Järveveere: BUS FROM TARTU: direct bus to Järveveere departs at 11 a.m. in the front of the Department of Geography (Vanemuise 46, Tartu). BUS FROM TALLINN: direct bus to Järveveere departs at 9.30 a.m. in front of the Radisson Blu Hotel Olümpia in Tallinn City centre (Liivalaia 33, Tallinn); and at 9.45 a.m. from Tallinn Airport downstairs parking lot. Bus doesn`t wait latecomers. If you miss the bus or your flight was delayed, we suggest to take Lux Express bus to Tartu. Please register to the bus transfer by sending an e-mail to [email protected] , use subject text „MOBILE TARTU bus transfer“ 12.20-12.30 12.30-13.00 13.00-13.30

13.30-14.20 14.20-15.40 14.20-14.40 14.40-15.00 15.00-15.20 15.20-15.40

Opening Keynote speaker Sensing the City/Advances in Tracking Technologies Delft University of Technology Stefan van der Spek Session 1: PhD seminar, field experiment with smartphones and GPS tracking Group A) Smartphone tracking & social network analyses with YouSense (Anto Aasa, Anniki Puura) Group B) GPS tracking & urban planning (Stefan van der Spek) Group C) CDR data exercise (Erki Saluveer, Margus Tiru) Data collection and analysis in groups. If you want to participate in an experimental group work please register your participation with an e-mail to: [email protected] use subject line „PhD seminar field experiment“. Lunch Session 2: COST TU1305 seminar “Social networks and travel behavior”; Chair Prof. Rein Ahas Thibaut Dubernet, Kay W. New Data for Simulating the Impact of Social Networks on Travel ETH Zurich Axhausen Maria del Mar AlonsoSocial media use in mobile devices and leisure tourism travel behaviour Autonomous University of Madrid Almeida Arnaud Adam, Adeline Revisiting the urban structure of Brussels by means of mobile phone data and Université catholique de Louvain Decuyper, Isabelle Thomas community detection Emmanouil Chaniotakis, Centre for Research and Technology HellasIoannis Toumpalidis, Josep Understanding activity patterns from Social Media Data: a fusion of Facebook Hellenic Institute of Transport Maria Salanova Grau, and Twitter Constantinos Antoniou


Mobile Tartu 2016 15.40-16.00 16.00-16.20 16.20-18.00 16.20-16.40 16.40-17.00

João de Abreu e Silva, Juan The relationship between travel behavior, ICT usage and social networks in University of Lissabon de Oña, Slaven Gasparovic university students in 3 European cities. Coffee break Session 3a: COST TU1305 seminar “Social networks and travel behavior”; Chair Prof. João de Abreu e Silva Centre for Research and Technology HellasSocial media for transportation planning: estimating demand for taxi Josep Maria Salanova Grau Hellenic Institute of Transport Domokos Esztergar-Kiss, Zoltan Rozsa, Tamas Extensions of the activity chain optimization method Budapest University of Technology and Economic Tettamanti

17.00-17.20 17.20-17.40 17.40-18.00

16.20-18.00 16.20-16.40 16.40-17.00 17.00-17.20


17.40-18.00 18.00-18.40 18.40-19.10 19.10-20.00 20.00 21.00 23.00

Elena Masala, Stefano Pensa

Traditional VS Data-driven approaches: a map comparison for the evaluation of usability of Twitter data

The Polytechnic University of Turin

Oded Gal, Plaut Pnina

Shared-private transportation and social media: the role of social media as platform for ridesharing: developing an alternative model.

Technion - Israel Institute of Technology

Adeline Decuyper, Christophe Cluquet, Arnaud On the issues of spatial aggregation for community detection in Adam, Jean-Charles communication networks Delvenne, Isabelle Thomas Session 3b: Mobile Tartu 2016, PhD seminar; Chair Prof. Gennady Andrienko Seoul's Wi-Fi hotspots: The role of big data in understanding urban vitality Young-Long Kim Nils Breyer, David Estimation of transport infrastructure use through network assignment based Gundlegård, Clas Rydergren on cellular network data Willem Schoors, Maarten Vanhoof, Anton Van Coping with CDR-based entropy bias induced by unequal antenna distribution Rompaey Maarten Vanhoof, Zbigniew Smoreda, Patrick Olivier, Assessing home detection algorithms based on CDR data Thomas Ploetz Patterns of co-presence in geographically distant relationships Anniki Puura, Siiri Silm Dinner Keynote speaker Mapping human mobility: concepts, mapping tools and designs Menno-Jan Kraak Session 4: PhD seminar, field experiment with smartphone and GPS tracking Social program: presentation about Estonia, swimming, sauna, walking First bus back to Tartu Second bus back to Tartu

Université catholique de Louvain

Clark University Linköping University University of Leuven Open Lab

University of Tartu

University of Twente


Mobile Tartu 2016 Thursday, 30.06.2016 Venue: Estonian Biocentre (Omicum); Riia 23b-105, Tartu. 8.30 9.00-9.10 9.10-11.00 9.10-9.40 9.40-10.00 10.00-10.20 10.20-10.40

10.40-11.00 11.00-11.20 11.20-13.00 11.20-11.40 11.40-12.00 12.00-12.20 12.20-12.40 12.40-13.00 11.20-13.00 11.20-11.40 11.40-12.00

Registration Opening Session 5: Mobile Tartu 2016; Chair Prof. Bob McKerchner Keynote speaker What social media data can offer for mobility studies Tuuli Toivonen Andreas Keler, Jukka M. Towards predicting vehicle bottleneck movements in urban Krisp, Linfang Ding environments – a case study with Floating Taxi Data in Shanghai Monica Wachowicz, Maria Predicting vehicular flows using a synchronization model based on Dolores Arteaga spatial scaling Arnaud Banos, Pierre-Oliver Exploring alternate traffic circulation effects in Île-de-France Chasset, Julie Fen-Chong, Region using aggregated mobile phone data: is it still useful to use Francois Queyroi, Zbigniew mobile phone data? Smoreda Margus Tiru, Erki Saluveer Challenges of using mobile phone data in official statistics Coffee break Session 6a: Mobile Tartu 2016; Chair dr. Stefan van der Spek Justin van Dijk, Stephan Using smartphones to collect individual travel data for designing a Krygsman Voluntary Travel Behaviour Change intervention Thierry Derrmann, Simulating pervasive vehicular access to the E-UTRAN Raphaël Frank Oliver Burkhard, Robert Comparing the quality of reconstruction and information loss of Weibel, Rein Ahas Life Pattern recognition based on GPS and CDR data Cecilia Bergman, Juha Optimization of cycling tours: Towards crowd intelligence derived Oksanen, from mobile sports tracking data The impact of the location of university campuses on activity Age Poom, Mattias Linnap spaces and travel behaviour of students and academic staff Session 6b: Mobile Tartu 2016; Chair Erki Saluveer Venue: Riia 23b-116 Olle Järv, Henrikki Engaging mobile phone data into a dynamic spatio-temporal Tenkkanen, Tuuli Toivonen accessibility modelling Artjom Lind, Amnir Hadachi, Oleg Batrashev, Particle Filter-based Localization in the Cellular Network Eero Vainikko

University of Helsinki University of Augsburg University of New Brunswick

University of Burgundy - France-Comtè Positium LBS & University of Tartu

Stellenbosch University University of Luxembourg University of Zurich Finnish Geospatial Research Institute University of Tartu

University of Helsinki University of Tartu


Mobile Tartu 2016 12.00-12.20 12.20-12.40

12.40-13.00 13.00-14.00 14.00-16.10 14.00-14.30 14.30-14.50

14.50-15.10 15.10-15.30 15.30-15.50 15.50-16.10 16.10-16.30 16.30-17.45 17.45


GIS-based Mobile Coverage Estimation to Reduce Uncertainty of Mohammad Forghani, Farid Karimipour Cellular Trajectories Josep Maria Salanova Grau, Manolis Chaniotakis, Mobile data for transportation Evangelos Mitsakis, Georgia Aifandopoulou, (presenter Joschka Felix Bischoff) Linguistically summarizing mobile positioning data Miroslav Hudec Lunch Session 7: Mobile Tartu 2016; Chair Prof. Menno-Jan Kraak Keynote speaker Impact of distance on tourist behaviour Bob McKercher Henrikki Tenkkanen, Olle Analyzing spatial mobility patterns of tourists using social media Järv, Enrico Di Minin, Tuuli data – case study from South African national parks Toivonen Marco Mamei, Massimo Monitoring and Analysis of Tourist Activity from Cellular Network Colonna Data Smart Card Data in a Peripheral Region: Modularity Analysis and Kristian Hegner Reinau the Geography of Passenger Flows Tracking cross-borders commuters fatigue through twitter: a new Pierre-Oliver Chasset, Banos Arnaud, Klein Oliver sampling strategy Janika Raun, Rein Ahas, Measuring Tourism Destinations Using Mobile Tracking Data Margus Tiru Coffee break Session 8: PhD seminar – presenting fieldwork results City walk: 1) Bird watching and hearing app: Marko Peterson , Veljo Runnel - University of Tartu Nature observations via mobile devices, mobility and collected data. Please register to bird watching 2) Interesting places and houses in Tartu: Toomas Liivamägi Conference dinner at Dorpat Restaurant (Soola 6, Tartu)

University of Tehran

Technical University of Berlin

University of Economics in Bratislava

The Hong Kong Polytechnic University University of Helsinki University of Modena and Reggio Emilia Aalborg University Luxembourg Institute of Socio-Economic Research University of Tartu

with email: [email protected]


Mobile Tartu 2016 Friday, 1.07.2016 Venue: Estonian Biocentre (Omicum); Riia 23b-105, Tartu. 8.00 8.30-9.00 9.00-10.40 9.00-9.25 9.25-9.50

9.50-10.15 10.15-10.35 10.35-11.55 10.35-10.55 10.55-11.15 11.15-11.35


10.35-11.50 10.35-11.00 11.00-11.25


Registration Keynote speaker Leaving the Lab: Real-life Measurement of Mobility, Activity University of Zurich Robert Weibel and Social Interaction in Healthy Aging Research Session 9: Mobile phones, travel and transportation, organised by Nectar ; Chair: Dr. Luc Wismans Adrian C. Prelipcean, Gyozo MEILI: an activity travel diary collection, annotation and KTH Royal Institute of Technology Gidofalvi, Yusak O. Susilo automation system On personalised positive incentives to reduce car use: a microAmelia Huang, Tiago Fioreze, experiment to promote cycling on the campus of the University of University of Twente Tom Thomas Twente Helga Jonuschat, Robert Measuring inter- and multimodal mobility patterns with the Innovation Centre for Mobility and Societal Change Schönduwe, Marc Schelewsky automatic trip diary “modalyzer” Coffee break Session 10a: Mobile Tartu 2016; Chair Prof. Tuuli Toivonen Exploring spatio-temporal patterns on human serendipitous Fukui University of Technology Akihiro Fujihara encounter through Inter-Contact Distance Imre Keseru, Nils Wuytens, Campaign patterns for mobility in citizen observatories Vrije Universiteit Brussel Cathy Macharis Alberto Gonzalez, Sven Mobile, expert-sourced data collection to enable sustainable Casteleyn, Luis Rodriguez, agricultural practices and management Jaume I University Ignacio Miralles Tena, Carlos Granelli Canut, Joaquin Huerta Greg Rybarczyk, Syagnik Pathways to happiness: a comparative study linking Twitter and University of Michigan-Flint SiTI Istituto Superiore sui Sistemi Banerjee, Giulia Melis, Stefano contextual factors Territoriali per I`Innovazione Pensa Session 10b: Mobile phones, travel and transportation, organised by Nectar; Chair: Prof Karst Geurs Venue: Riia 23b-116 Luc Wismans, K. Friso, J. Improving a-priori demand estimates transport models using University of Twente/DAT.Mobility Rijsdijk, S.W. de Graaf, J. Keij mobile phone data. Rotterdam region case Maxim Janzen, Maarten Vanhoof, Zbigniew Smoreda, GDR Data versus Long-Distance Travel Surveys ETH Zurich Kay W. Axhausen John Östh, Aura Reggiani, Can the mobility of phones be used to depict the spatial Uppsala University Laurie Schintler organization of regions?


Mobile Tartu 2016 11.55-12.45 12.45-14.25 12.45-13.10 13.10-13.35



14.25-14.45 14.45-16.35 14.45-15.15 15.15-15.35

15.35-15.55 15.55-16.15


16.35-17.00 17.15

Lunch Session 11: Mobile phones, travel and transportation, organised by Nectar; Chair: Dr. John Östh Mode choice dynamics: an exploration of intrapersonal mode Tom Thomas, Karst Geurs University of Twente choice variation using the Dutch Mobile Mobility Panel Bogdan Toader, Francois Usage of smartphone data to derive an indicator of activity Sprumont, Francesco Viti, University of Luxembourg similarity between individuals Sebastien Faye, Miora Popescu Elis Kõivumägi, Mariano Jofre, Amnir Hadachi, Eero Semantically enriching mobile subscribers’ trajectories University of Tartu Vainikko Marcus Mohall, John Östh, Segregation and mobility: exploring economic segregation in Ian Shuttleworth, Thomas Uppsala University Sweden's metropolitan areas using mobile phone data Niedomysl Coffee break Session 12: Mobile Tartu 2016; Chair Prof. Robert Weibel Space, Time and Visual Analytics: a multiple Perspectives Frauhofer Institute for Intelligent Analysis and Information Keynote speaker Paradigm systems / City University London Gennady Andrienko Fredrik Alexander Gregersen, Rikke Exposure to crime: Police records and mobile phones Institute of Transport Economics Ingebrigtsen, Beate Elvebakk, Aslak Fyhri, Tom Erik Julsrud, Sunniva Frislid Meyer Differences in ethnic and interethnic networks in size and Siiri Silm, Rein Ahas University of Tartu geography and with relation to activity space Catherine Linard, Elizabeth Multi-temporal population density mapping using mobile phone University of Namur zu Erbach-Schoenberg, Pierre data : challenges and opportunities Deville, Andrew J. Tatem Jessica Steele, Pal Sundsoy, Improving our understanding of SDG’s using innovative Carla Pezzulo, Andy Tatem, approaches: modelling multi-dimensional poverty using mobile University of Southampton Victor Alegena, Linus phone and satellite data Bengtsson Closing Direct bus to Tallinn airport (expected arrival 7.45 p.m.) and Tallinn City centre Radisson Blu Hotel Olümpia in Tallinn City centre Liivalaia 33 (expected arrival 8 p.m.). Please register to the bus transfer by sending an e-mail to [email protected] , use subject text „MOBILE TARTU bus transfer“


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